thankthatstar wrote in
May 31, 2009 12:32
holy shizz tay: your face,
face: listening,
face: full of glee,
action: smiling like a maniac,
face: super super happy omg,
clothes: t-shirt,
justine's heart just stopped,
hair: totally sexy,
things we ♥: his face,
taylor: is so endearing,
hair: perfection,
action: being adorable of course,
face: killer smile,
era: twilight,
face: killing me,
action: interacting with others,
face: content,
location: radio station,
things we ♥: his smile,
do i dazzle you?,
face: exhilarating smile,
clothes: sweatshirt,
time for interviews,
face: hilariously cute